Quality hardware solutions

Best of breed Lone Worker protection devices

We work with established, proven Lone Worker specialised hardware manufacturers such as
Blackline Safety, Garmin and Meitrack.

If new GPS Duress Devices come on the market, we stress test them to see if we should add them to our stable of “best of breed” devices. If a Lone Worker Smart Phone App is appropriate in your environment, we have that too. All our solutions use GPS for location reporting. We know that all the Lone Worker devices we recommend actually do what they say they do. We have solutions which will work in our out of cell cover with different levels of functionality to suit your risks. You may require a mix of network capable products in your remote/isolated workforce. For your staff the processes will be the same, and the monitoring escalations will be the same which keeps it simple, but you will only need to deal with one supplier.

If Lone Workers go into buildings where GPS can’t locate them, we have solutions which are compatible with indoor locating beacons.  Or we make sure the duress device sends updated location frequently enough that we can see where they entered the building.  Battery life is also an important consideration which is affected by location update frequency and level of functionality in use.  GPS updating drains batteries fast.  The best solutions can safely accommodate a 20hr shift with all functionality.

All duress device hardware recommended by Guardian Angel has been SAR tested and certified (Saturation Absorbency rating).  This ensures it is safe for your Lone Workers to wear all day if need be. The duress devices we recommend, have all been integrated via API from the supplier servers to our response software, meaning we do not rely on SMS or emails.  When the SOS from an inReach hits the Garmin servers in USA for instance, it also hits our NZ monitoring station response software.  You may already have duress devices in use, which can be switched to Guardian Angel for monitoring and support. The API integration is particularly important since the NZ Governments 2018 “Unauthorised SMS messaging act”. This is filtering out SMS messages from provider servers so that they are not reaching their destination.

Meitrack P99 devices paired with the Halo App and Interface provide cost-effective, reliable safety for your lone & remote workers who operate in cell cover.


  • SOS
  • Auto dial to connect two way
  • voice to monitoring station
  • Fall detection
  • Geofences with entry and exit alerts

Get the right fit for your business

We can guide you with impartial, evidence-based advice to make the responsible choice for the safety of your Lone Workers.

Some of the things you need to be aware of to choose the best device for your Lone Workers:

If your organisation needs to ensure the safety of your staff when working alone or remotely, you need to understand the different offerings available on the market.

Finding the best fit-for-purpose lone and remote worker solution and provider can be a minefield. We can provide impartial guidance to help you understand the hardware functionality, the software functionality, the processes for use, the incident response co-ordination, the training of end users and the maintenance of the data and regular testing.

Contact us now to discuss how we can best help you keep your lone workers safe.

Understanding the right lone & remote worker solution for your organisation

If you’re looking at a cell based duress devices, and your staff enter buildings where the satellites can’t see them, you need to know it updates location (and sends this to the server) every 1 – 2min so that we can find them inside.

When the device goes into alarm, it should increase the frequency of the location updates to around every 15sec. This is so that if they’re running, driving or floating down a river we can still find them! Getting the location of where they are only when the device goes into alarm is not useful in a lot of incidents. On this note, also check that it’s at least 65 IP rated (67 is even better!) A lot of inferior devices run out of battery in just a few hours if the polling is set to 1min. You want to know it can do at least 15hours on 1min polling.

The location accuracy should be minimum +/- 5m. Any device you ask your staff to wear should be SAR tested and certified so that you and them know it’s safe for them to wear. Ask to see the certificate and check that it’s from a certified lab! (not mail ordered!). There are a number of devices on the market that say they are 3G but actually, they are 2G with a 3G SIM card. Watch out for those. There is no longer voice on 2G in NZ, and soon enough there will be no 2G at all and your device won’t work at all. Changing settings over air makes managing the devices so much easier. If we need to alter the tilt angels and delays etc, we want to be able to just log on and send the updates to the device over air. Having to gather them all up and plug them in to a computer to update them is painful and well…. It just won’t happen!

Satellite devices to protect commercial Lone Worker should only be on the iridium network. And the devices should be able to keep sending the SOS or message until it’s received by a satellite.  If a worker does need help, to us, it’s vital that he gets a confirmation that the message has been received and help is on it’s way.  Inferior devices do not send this confirmation.

Our out of cell cover lone workers are on a minimum 10min tracking plan.  With some solutions, this gets very expensive so it’s worth checking the available data plans.  

We regularly update settings on devices to suit different roles. You want to be able to log onto a platform, change the settings and push it out to selected devices in the field.  Having to gather up the devices to sync them to a PC to get them updated is painful. 

If a gas leak, health event or injury occurred right now, how fast could you respond? We can help you respond in seconds.

We recommend and supply G7 from Blackline Safety, the only solution in the world to deliver work-anywhere wireless, multi-gas detection, two-way voice communication, text messaging, evacuation management and complete customisation for every business.

For many cases that involve commercial or industrial buildings, GPS signals are blocked by the building completely and no GPS-computed location is available at all.

Blackline Safety’s indoor location technology solves this problem, making it possible to accurately locate an employee working indoors and around large buildings. Combined with custom floor plans, Blackline’s Location Beacon precisely displays an employee’s location on a Google™ map. The end result is the fastest possible emergency response to your employee’s exact location.

What are Location Beacons?

Location Beacons are compact, wireless positioning transmitters. Installed throughout facilities, Location Beacon should be placed wherever GPS signals are unreliable or unavailable.

Each beacon broadcasts a unique identity number that is received by your Blackline device, whether that be G7c/G7x, Loner M6/M6i, Loner 900, Loner SMD or Loner IS+.

Safety monitoring devices report the identity of each beacon within range back to the Blackline Live portal. Blackline Live uses associated location information to improve the accuracy of the device user’s reported location.

Our partners include

Working with industry leaders to provide Lone Worker solutions

Please get in touch for guidance and impartial, evidence-based advice to make the responsible choice for the safety of your Lone Workers.