One portal to safely and efficiently manage all your lone worker solutions regardless of the brand or device type, including monitored vehicles.
Sharing devices and vehicles just became a whole lot smoother and safer. Access live data when it counts – no more time consuming spreadsheets or complex data maintenance.
Watch our video below to understand how we manage data securely and how to share devices safely.
With many of our clients sharing devices amongst their teams to achieve a more efficient spend, you can now have the extra safety of bespoke response instructions by device or person. Without having to purchase additional devices for new users.
Check out the video to see how easy Guardian makes your device administration.
If you wish to have more flexibility, you can chose our Silver plan. This will enable you to move devices around to different people so you can share the devices easier. The response instructions are still fixed, by device, but both you and Guardian Angel will know who is using the device should something happen.
For even more flexibility and use, you can chose our Gold plan. This will allow you to have response instructions and escalations not just by device, but also by person. This means if you have larger teams, who have different managers, that manager can be the nominated escalation for their team members, but the teams can still share devices.
USERS: device end users
ESCALATIONS: can be device users but also escalation contacts for incident response
ADMINISTRATORS: can create your user logs in and manage your account in the portal
DEVICE TYPE: wearable, vehicle, app etc.
This means the instructions and escalation contact details are fixed. If it’s a shared device, the same escalations and response instructions apply regardless who is using it. That is how the current system works, so it’s basically no change. It will not be a problem for clients who have all allocated devices (unless the permanent assignee changes). This means as per the current system, you have to let us know if you need to change response or escalations, and you need to allow 48hrs (support charges apply). Which is how it is in today’s world.
This unlocks the ability to move the device to a different person, BUT the same escalations and response instructions apply. These cannot be changed. As above, you will need to contact us to make these changes (support charges apply).
This is the totally flexible plan. The person has escalation instructions that apply to them, regardless the device/vehicle they use. So a person might at times use a cell based pendant, other times a satellite based wearable, they might have an app on their phone, and they might also be in a vehicle that is monitored. Regardless what device or car that the person is in, we will follow the instructions attached to the person. This is important also for staff who are travelling and might use devices or cars in branches around the country, or staff who travel overseas with their solution.
Join Guardian Angel Portal today and start sharing your devices and vehicles.
Please fill in your contact details below so we can get you connected.